This award is named for Dolores “Dee” Saunders Dundee, a former AMS President whose research largely focused on introduced land snails. The award aims to support projects that are community-oriented and involve research that involves community science, environmental justice, conservation, or other applicable areas. We especially encourage submission of proposals of projects that are collaborations with community members who are partners in the design and implementation of the work. Awards will provide approximately $1500 to exceptional proposals and several awards may be given each year. Funds should be used within one year of the date of the award.


  • Applicants may be at any stage of their career, but the research must directly involve or serve the community.
  • The applicant must be a current member of the American Malacological Society. To join, please visit: 
  • The research must focus on a topic in malacology (e.g., parasite studies should focus on the molluscan side of the interaction).
  • Awardees are encouraged to present results of their research at an annual meeting of the American Malacology Society.
  • Institutional overhead is not permitted.

Recipients of awards are expected to submit the following to the AMS Student Awards and Education Committee within one year of the award date: (i) a report that describes how funds were used and (ii) a brief summary of the research and results to be published in the AMS Newsletter. Awardees may apply for additional AMS awards only after these written reports have been received.


Applications must be received by AMS's Student Awards Committee by March 31st and include the following components:

    1. A two-page summary of the proposed research, including a title, goal(s), methods, literature cited, and a research budget. If necessary, the Literature Cited section may occupy a third page.

    2. Applicant’s CV

All application materials must be sent via email to the chair of AMS Student Awards and Education Committee, Chandra Earl ( Applicants should attach a single PDF file containing the summary of the proposal and their CV. Please title the filename with the applicant’s last name underscore “Dundee_Community” (e.g., “Jones_Dundee_Community.pdf”).

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Novelty/importance of questions/hypotheses and how the engage and/or impact communities
  • Appropriateness and feasibility of research activities to address questions/hypotheses
  • Clarity of writing and completeness of proposal in terms of background materials/context, methods for collecting and analyzing data, and interpretation and implications of potential results
  • Proposed use of requested funds
  • Contribution to applicant's development as a malacologist



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